Your Donations Are Appreciated!

Make a memorial or honorary gift
We welcome memorial contributions and gifts in honor of friends, associates and loved ones. The donor receives our grateful thanks for a wholly tax deductible donation, and we send appropriate acknowledgment to the honoree or family of the deceased. All gifts are put to good use toward our mission. Many people make contributions in memory of an ancestor and we welcome your gifts and family stories!

To make a gift by mail, click HERE to download and print a form to fill out and mail with your contribution, made payable to Friends of the Clark County Park District, P.O. Box 1832, Springfield, Ohio 45501.

Support Park Restoration
Our Park Restoration Fund helps care for commemorative features, trails,  and natural landscapes that have been altered or degraded by weather or, sadly, human vandalism. The financial need is great.

To make a general gift to our Restoration Fund or to a specific restoration project click HERE to download and print a form you can fill out and mail with your contribution, made payable to Friends of the Clark County Park District, P.O. Box 1832, Springfield, Ohio 45501.

Make a gift or bequest by will
Remembering the Friends of the Clark County Park District Park in your will is a far-sighted act of generosity toward an important mission: building new generations of Park lovers who will care for it tomorrow as we do today.

Your gifts are much appreciated!

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